What Makes Graffiti Letters Become an Art?

graffiti letters geek

Not many people who know where the art of graffiti letters which we often drawing on the walls of the building. Sometimes they just glanced at it and then just forget it. Not only people who see it, even some new bomber also do not understand where the value of graffiti art letters that they do. This is a mistake that makes this street art became uncomfortable to be enjoyed.
graffit face geek
If we dig deeper, we will find a high value of the art of graffiti letters that we make. The value lies in the aspect of freedom that makes the art of the fastest growing. As an open source supported by millions of people, will soon beat microsoft done only by a few people. Yes, so what distinguishes the freedom of this art with other arts.

green wall graffiti

hammerhead graffiti wall

roll up graffiti letters

How do you think? What makes graffiti letters become an art?

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